It's not worth it and it's not legal.
I don't know why you'd want to do that when you've so many free of cost OS available legally in the Net, which you can download and they're all better than MS Windows!
I use Solaris 10 OS which is much better than XP or Vista!
You can download and use Linux, Freespire or Solaris 10 OS, free of cost, legally!
You'll find the links to all three free OS downloads given below.
Only if you've a high end system like the AMD 64 bit 3000+ or more, should you try Solaris 10 OS. It's not meant for for old or low end systems and needs 6 GB space to install plus 1 GB RAM.
Mandriva and Freespire are better for low end systems and amateur work.
All the best.
Is it ok to install old pirated versions of Microsoft that are not supported by them? heard its legal. True?microsoft maps
Of course it's NOT legal, it's still called theft!
Why would you want to use a pirated version on a computer which probably cost a lot of money, when you can't get important security updates?
If you want to look after a computer, you should do it properly.
Is it ok to install old pirated versions of Microsoft that are not supported by them? heard its legal. True?windows registry internet explorer
sort of
ILLEGAL... but ... :) Just don't let Microsoft communicate with its server to check for authenticity. Once it tries to communicate, you are screwed. Many people run illegal versions of XP. Get a firewall that allows you to control its communication. ZoneAlarm i a good program. Zonealarm program allows if you want to allow or reject programs trying to communicate with the internet access. I don't run pirated programs but I read alot :)
you can use it, but it will be vulnerable to improper allowances of some functions which supprted software get updates to prevent.
Using unauthorised copies of any software, (or even using authoried copies in an unauthorised manner - like use of software licensed for the cliend/desktop/personal/student use) on a commercial business server) from ANY vendor (not just Microsoft) is likely to earn you a few priveleges from your government, like free boarding and lodging in one of its numerous ``holiday homes'' a.k.a. penitentiaries.
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