Sunday, April 25, 2010

What is your opinion on Microsoft attempting to take over Yahoo!?

What do you see in the future, what would you do if microsoft took over yahoo, would you support this? oppose it? why?

What is your opinion on Microsoft attempting to take over Yahoo!?windows nt

I did a little experiment to see how the search engines stack up.

I typed in "brown door" and here are the results

Yahoo 126,000,000

MSN 54,200,000

Google 3,110,000

So if you think that Yahoo is "whatever" think again. Yahoo is the best search engine out there and you get results. To be on the first result pages of Google the websites have to pay and pay a lot. It used to be the case with MSN but don't know that for sure now.

If MS takes over Yahoo then all the stuff we like about Yahoo will disappear just like all the stuff that MS promised but never delivered on.

Since there are other search engines out there I would go to one of them but not MSN or Gooooogle.

What is your opinion on Microsoft attempting to take over Yahoo!?windows 95 internet explorer

What's so bad about Microsoft taking over Yahoo!? Microsoft is a great company and make it better if they did so my answer is I think its great they are. Plus, they'll put good games on it.
It doesn't matter to me. I could see Microsoft making Yahoo even better.
NO!!!!!!!!! I WOULD HATE IT!!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!! i would go and change email domains, i HATE microsoft. BOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yahoo is rubbish as it is , it will be even more rubbish if microsoft have any thing to do with it
I hope that Microsoft brings back the old yahoo message boards................those were LOTS of fun.

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